Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do you hear the people sing?

"Do you hear the people sing?..." Yeah I did, actually. I went to see Les Miserables movie with my dear friend Cheryl. And I couldn't think of a better word to describe the film. I'm speechless. I wasn't amazed nor disappointed. It's just that I think I don't have the right to comment. Because first of all, I really have no idea about its story. I haven't seen the film which starred Liam Neeson, nor the musicale which starred our very own Ms. Lea Salonga. I haven't even read the book by Victor Hugo. And I didn't even know if it was written by Victor Hugo. I just assumed that he did! So did he? Or did he not? (Upon checking with Wikipedia, he did.) Well, that's a "yehey" for me. So I didn't have any idea how the story of Les Miserable goes. At one point though, I just know some songs. But quite pathetic, still. 

"Do you hear the people sing?..." Uhmm... Does the "people" here pertains to the Filipino people? If so, yeah I did hear them sing, to the tunes of "On my Own" and "I Dreamed A Dream. Basically because these songs were popularized here in the Philippines by Ms. Lea Salonga. We Filipinos were so used to them. Some of us even memorized them! Haha!

The movie house was full. Cheryl and I were so lucky we got seats. And it was my first time to watch a movie at Shangri-La Cineplex. And so far, it's the best movie house for me yet -- the soft comfy chairs, the big movie house, the super cold airconditioning, good sounds, wide clear movie screen. I just didn't had the chance to buy a bag of popcorns. Because the movie starts in 15 minutes and the line in the snack bar was long. 

"Do you hear the people sing?..." Since not a thing or two pops in my head to describe the film, let me just comment on the actors' singing (Ahem!) and acting (Ahem! 2x).

Let me start with Mr. Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman, a.k.a Jean Valjean. Given that he's been in a good number of movies, his acting couldn't be denied. He's a brilliant actor. What's surprising is that he can sing. He can really sing! So that's two thumbs up! A thumb for his acting, and a thumb for his singing.

Next is HRH Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Crown Princess of Genovia, Anne Hathaway, a.k.a Fantine. Well I'm a fan of this actress. I liked her from The Princess Diaries to Bride Wars to One Day, she's amazing. And she sings very well too. Her acting in the "I Dreamed A Dream" was fantastic. No wonder she won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture, and will still be looking forward for another in the Academy Awards on the 24th of February.

Next is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Russell Crowe, a.k.a Javert. Another great actor but on the singing part, for me I think he did quite well. Some say he's a crap singer, so what? He's not a singer in the first place. He's an actor -- a great actor who has won a huge number of acting awards. I can't think of another actor who could play the part of Javert, with all the singing and acting to it. You can feel his emotions through his eyes alone, without speaking or singing his lines. So man, just look into his eyes will you? 

Next is Ms. Sophie Sheridan, the girl who didn't know who her real father was (at least in the movie Mamma Mia!), Amanda Seyfried, a.k.a. Cosette (not Gauzette, the name that I had in my mind during the entire film, nor Corsette as what Cheryl thought of! Haha! Corsette daw oh! Peace Cheryl!). No doubt she'll be the best actress to play the part. First is because she sings so good. She's been in a family of singers isn't she? Her 3 dads and mom and the whole gang sings (Again, in the movie Mamma Mia! Haha!). Second is that she can act. And third is that she's pretty and blonde (just like the girl in the Les Mis musicale poster). 

Next is Ms. Samantha Barks, a.k.a Eponine. Actually, this is the first time that I saw her. Based on my research, she's into theater. She's been a part of Wicked and the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables acting as Eponine too. Aaaah... That's why she acts and sings well also. One thing that caught my attention though was her waist. It was oddly small. Or was it just my eyes playing tricks on me? Just check out the film for you to see.

Next are the Masters of the House, Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen, and of course my favorite villain of all time, Ms. Bellatrix Lestrange herself, Helena Bonham Carter. I thought they will be playing serious parts, but no. They made the movie somehow lighter, with all their funny antics and stuff. I even imagined Ms. Carter to be hiding a wand, somewhere beneath her colorful costumes in the movie. And while singing, she'll be casting a spell or two like, "Expeliarmus!" or the deadly "Avadakedavra!" that all of the characters will just fall dead on their faces! Haha! Well, forgive me for mixing in her Harry Potter moves with this film. I just can't help it! I so loved her, more than the great Voldemort himself.


Then there were these characters such as Marius, and that kid whom I will call "Totoy Bibo." Haha! I can't say much about them.

So I guess this is my unofficial review of the Les Miserables movie of 2012. I will just have to do my research on this classic book of Victor Hugo.

You may wonder, why am I so into this "Do you hear the people sing?" thing? It's because, this is my favorite song in the film and in the musical. Much favorite than the tragic "I Dreamed a Dream" of Fantine. Because compared to Fantine's song of loss and tragedy, "Do You Hear the People Sing?" depicts of the voice of the people, the voice of hope, the voice of freedom -- That under the law, all men are created equal, all men should be free. And that's what I like about the song.

To end this post, let me share here one of the verses of the song:

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start 
When tomorrow comes.

Do You Hear The People Sing?  Check out this link to hear full version of song via YouTube.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Just Ask for It

I was baking a while ago in our little sari-sari store, when I happened to come across with a customer, whom I will call Kuya Cris Real (not his real name). 

So we had this small chitchat. He said he was checking out this abandoned townhouse in our subdivision. Because he said he was a freelance real estate broker. He's got a wife, a 2-yr old grandchild and four children, to which he said "Dapat nga lima sila eh.." So I said to myself "Hmmm.. Why not 5?" So I thought his wife must have had a miscarriage a long time ago. But no, it was not a miscarriage at all.

So before asking him, as if he already knew my question, he said that his 20-year old son died of cancer just last year. I was surprised. Who is this man, who I just happen to meet for just a minute or two, sharing his story to me? And so as any normal person would usually do, I listened -- intently.

He said that his son had bone cancer. His son got it from a leg injury from playing badminton. The doctor said that his son will live for only a year. But he said, God is good, his son, Jim (not his son's real name) had lived for another 3 years - 3 years of no chemotherapy, just Jim's faith and an alternative medicine of some sort, which I did not bother asking him.

I didn't know what to react at first. I felt sorry upon hearing his son's story. How can this man share something like this to a stranger like me? Who would? I believe he has a purpose. He just wanted to share God's love, even to a stranger like me. Well luckily for him, I found God already. Haha!

He's had his share of God's love, which was so evident in his story. He said that when the doctor had his son's leg amputated, God provided a very good prosthetic leg worth half a million. When his son died, somebody provided for the casket. And just 10 minutes after his son died, he received a phone call from a friend. His friend just gave him a memorial lot, to which he said, "Oo nga 'no? Ni hindi ko nga naisip noon kung saan ko ililibing ang anak ko." So even in the direst moment, still God provided to this man. Even in the gloomiest day of this man's life, God took care of his "unfortunate" but apparent needs -- a casket and a memorial lot.

He said that if it weren't for God, he could not have overcome the death of his son. If it weren't because of his faith in God, he could have easily given up. Many people have asked him how he did it, he said "Kahit ako naa-amaze, siguro dahil lang talaga sa grace ni God."

Kuya Cris' testimony really struck my heart. I even wanted to cry at that moment while he was telling his story. I wanted to cry, not because I pity him and his situation. I wanted to cry, not because of his sad story. I wanted to cry, not for the sake of crying. I wanted to cry, because I was amazed of God's grace, not just for this man, but for all of us as well. 

I remember going through a similar situation like his (well not the death of a person, just to be clear) -- the same trying, heavy, difficult situation. Where there's no other way but to ask God for his grace. 

God reminded me right now of that situation. The only thing that God revealed to me, in those toughest times of my life, is His promise found in 2 Corinthians 12:9. It says:

"But he said to me,'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." (NIV)

This is what I saw in Kuya Cris. God's grace was sufficient  and was made perfect for his weakness. He boasted all the more, with gladness about the death of his son. And with that I saw Christ's power that rested upon him. 

I am glad that Kuya Cris found God before his son died. I am glad that he relentlessly relied on God in his times of diffuculty. I am glad that he made God the strength of his heart. I am glad that Kuya Cris remained faithful with his walk with God despite the situation he's gone through. I am glad, that whatever life may bring upon this man, I am assured that he will go through and endure it, again, by God's grace.

How about you? Are you in an unfortunate event right now? Whatever it is, no matter how difficult it is, just like losing a loved one, or small, just like picking which color of blouse to wear for the day, one thing is for sure: God's grace is sufficient -- His one, amazing grace. Just ask for it.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Super-bilis Service

Gone are the days when super long lines almost fill a room at the NSO Quezon City main office. Today, because of the boom in satellite branches of government offices nationwide, you will never have to go through that long line just to get a piece of authenticated document from NSO. 

Census Serbilis Center, Pasig City Hall Branch

Thanks to Census Serbilis Center-Pasig! It was a super-bilis service, I got my NSO authenticated Marriage Certificate in just 30 minutes! Still hot from the NSO's printer! Well, I just have to pay the extra P60.00, which is the LGU-NSO fee, aside from the P140.00 (Certification/Authentication Fee P125.00 + Doc Stamps P15.00). But it was all worth it. 

Still hot from the oven! or printer?! Haha!

Because a way lot of time was saved, my Banana-Cuelilit Chloe had her fair share of banana cue and juice for merienda. 

My Banana-Cuelilit!

Brighter Than The Sun

Today is the 17th day of January 2013. It's 1:42 AM. Just finished setting up my own blog. Tired yet my mind is still restless. Why? Because finally I have my own blog now. So what? I don't know. Just wanted to have my own blog. Just wanted a piece of space in this big world of blogging where i can freely write anything under the sun. Just wanted a small voice enough to be heard by some if not all. Just to have an outlet to vent out unspeakable feelings of love, of joy, of faith, of inspiration. Just to have a way of sharing unsolicited ideas and insights. Basically, just anything - that's "brighter than the sun."

photo: dancing with fools